Thursday, 9 June 2011


Entrepreneurs are driven. They are ambitious. They are full of energy and zeal. They are go-getters. Entrepreneurs wake up in the morning with the goal in their minds and the passion to achieve it. But what happens when an entrepreneur wakes up in the morning with nothing but the desire to go back to sleep? What if anyone wakes up in the morning with nothing but the desire to go back to sleep? What if your job is breaking your back? What when fatigue and exhaustion and dullness creeps into your life to form an ever-hanging pall of misery and boredom.

You can tell yourself you're stuck in a funk and that it'll pass. And yes, that is true, it will probably pass. But what about now? Right now the funk exists and its making you sad and demotivated. What about now? When you're spending every minute of your day wishing you were somewhere else? Wishing you were someone else. Wishing that you weren't wishing this at all? What about now?

Dealing with lack of motivation isn't easy. You can watch a million youtube videos where Micheal Jordon gives a speech about how important it is to be a legend and to go for your goal and all that. But at the end of the day, you can't be motivated by a video. Not for too long at least. You can't make yourself do something based on a very well made commercial for sports shoes. Motivation isn't something you get externally, it comes from within. And if you're not feeling it, you're just not feeling it.

The truth is you can try to pump yourself up. Give yourself one of those intense locker room speeches ("Tonight is about you, out there on that field", etc). But then again you're the one that has to convince yourself to do what you've got to do. Whether its that paper you need to write, or that presentation you need to finish, or that important phone call you need to make, that job, that thing, whatever it is, only YOU can make you do anything. And when you don't want to, the most you can do is wait. Wait for the funk to pass. Because tomorrow is a new day. And just like the feeling you get from watching those "motivational" videos, the funk never really lasts that long.


  1. It is true that only you can convince you to do anything. But the beaty of life lies in the fact that we can draw inspiration from literally anything to do absolutely everything. A sportsperson may draw inspiration from his childhood hero, his father, or from the want of a fancy car. An artist may draw inspiration from a sensual muse or a butterfly. It's all relative.
    So all you have to do in this "now" that you talk of, in this funk, is draw inspiration from something. It could be from the want of money, from the want of knowledge or from simply helping people have a clearer view when they wake up in the morning. It could be ANYTHING, as long as it inspires you to wake up in the morning and do your job.

    Hang in there Miss P, your doing a killer job.

    The highest reward for a person's toil is not what they get for it, but what they become by it.


  2. Very wise SKG. Thanks for the advice. Where have you been all my life? ;)

  3. In a land far far away .. From your home in Toronto ..
